Author : Delina

Moodle has been considered as the most adapted Learning Management System around the world. A good number of Universities, Colleges and other institutions are using Moodle for educational purposes. Not only educational institutions but also several businesses use Moodle for providing induction classes to their new joinees. So the Moodle has now been wide spread everywhere by its unique and vibrant features.
Moodle is a free platform and it runs on almost every system like Windows, Linux etc. It is available in 100+ languages which makes it accessible to anyone. It helps the educators to create a website of their own with courses for students to access.
So let us see how Moodle is helpful for the educators and students.

Moodle helps them to create a digital classroom where they could monitor their students much comfortably. They can create a number of online courses and can upload files related to those courses. The files can be arranged and segmented by the convenience of the educator. The educators can divide the students into different categories for easy monitoring. Online tests, quizzes etc can be conducted and the educator can grade them accordingly. There can be discussion forums set by the educators for the students to discuss and raise questions on topics. There is also a chat facility available if you wish to chat with your students personally or clear their doubts instantly

Now if you are a student, then on Moodle you can also enjoy the facilities available on the platform. It lets you access the online classes provided by your educator at your own comfort space. All the courses and classes will be saved into your customized library and you can access them for any number of times.
By this you will be able to clearly understand the concepts of each and every course you have enrolled in. You will be able to submit your assignments and projects to your concerned educators at your convenience. The discussion forum will help you to discuss with your peers regarding a topic and can ask doubts to your educator. You can also make use of the feedback form to inform your opinion or reviews on the topics covered.
As I have already mentioned about its open source nature which keeps it improving day by day. For this scenario, it's high time to think of an elearning system as an educator or business holder and Moodle is the perfect option for you.
We have an expert lms developer team to set you up with a strong learning management system customised according to your vision and ideas. Our services extend from individuals to huge organizations which has raised our brand value and popularity to higher levels. To develop your elearning platform on Moodle you can contact us anytime according to your comfort.

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